Caroline Ervin Robinson provides charity auctioneering services for worthy organizations across the United States. With her bedazzled gavel in tow, Caroline has raised millions for non-profit organizations throughout her career as a benefit auctioneer. Caroline is as equally at home with an intimate seated dinner crowd of 100, as she is in front a 1,000+ gala. Caroline's style as a charity auctioneer is up-beat and engaging, with proven results, allowing charities to get the maximum yield from their audience and leave 'no money on the table'. Contact Caroline today for a free consultation to see whether she would be a great fit for your next event!


"We are always thrilled to welcome Caroline back to the WSMS Auction stage year after year. Caroline’s infectious energy and her bedazzled gavel, combined with the generosity and enthusiasm of our community, have led to over $1 million in proceeds benefiting our school. We are profoundly grateful to Caroline for her unwavering commitment to WSMS!"

-Mimi Basso, Head of School,

Westside Montessori School

“It was such an honor to have Caroline lead our auction! Her persistence and charisma propelled FIAF to a record total for auction and paddle raise at Art de Vivre! We thank her as well for her guidance and strategy leading up to the event that helped us surpass our goals.”

-Tatyana Franck, President

French Institute Alliance Française (FIAF)